User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING FUTURE * USA - Obama team hears truckers’ perspective from OOIDA

Nov 27, 2008

TRUCKING FUTURE * USA - Obama team hears truckers’ perspective from OOIDA

OOIDA Executive Vice President Todd Spencer accepted an invitation from Obama’s transportation transition team to meet with the group on Monday, Nov. 24...

Chicago,ILL,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Jami Jones -November 26, 2008: -- ... The team heard from a variety of groups representing different aspects of the trucking industry. Groups that met with the team include the American Trucking Association, the Truckload Carriers Association, Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance, National Private Truck Council and the truck manufacturers... In the meeting, Spencer was also able to address issues such as electronic on-board recorders, parking shortages, idling regulations, highway financing and driver training... He encouraged the Obama administration to look at the issues facing truck drivers from a national perspective and not leave issues such as parking and idling restrictions in sole control of the states... Spencer said the Association will now be working toward one-on-one face time with members of the incoming Obama administration to further educate the key players on these issues facing truckers...



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