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Nov 6, 2008

TRANSPORTATIONS FUNDS * USA - California voters decide on several ballot questions to

Sacramento,CAL,USA -Land Line Magzine, by Keith Goble -November 5, 2008: -- Voters in several californians counties decided on transportation-related questions. Included below is a sampling of the results for some of those initiatives...
* In Santa Barbara County, voters easily exceeded the two-thirds margin needed to extend funding for road repair, congestion relief and transit for another 30 years. With nearly 79 percent of the vote, passage of Measure A authorizes the continuation of a half-cent sales tax applied since 1990... It is estimated that extending the tax until 2040 will generate about $1 billion... Among the projects slated to benefit is widening of U.S. 101 between Montecito and Carpinteria...



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