Cross Border Trucking Project * USA/Mexico - Extended for Two More Years
AR,USA -The Insurance Journal -November 5, 2008: -- The U.S. Department of Transportation recently extended for two years the cross-border trucking demonstration project, a reciprocal agreement that allows up to 100 Mexico-domiciled motor carriers to operate beyond the U.S. border commercial zones, and the same number of U.S. carriers to operate in Mexico... According to some in the insurance industry, trucking companies have been frustrated with the on-again, off-again process of implementing the NAFTA provisions, and the program's limitations have dampened enthusiasm on both sides of the border... Recently, Arizona's Insurance Commissioner Christina Urias talked to Insurance Journal's Ken St. Onge about the concerns her state has as a border state and the developments in insuring cross-border traffic... Cross-border trucking from Mexico is a "very, very heavy industry," she said, and there are many "insurance issues with the Mexican trucking companies and their drivers." Yet based on the NAFTA meeting, Urias said she was "very pleased with some progress with the new regime in Mexico in terms of information sharing on the drivers and the accident history of the particular trucking companies"...
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