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Sep 23, 2008

INFRASTRUCTURES * UK - London to showcase green roofs

London,UK, by Sam Bond - 17 Sept 2008: -- A sea of green roofs could be London's best way to visibly demonstrate its commitment to the environment when the world turns its gaze upon the city in the run up to the 2012 Olympics... This was the opinion of Richard Blakeway, environmental advisor to Boris Johnson, Mayor of London, when he spoke at the World Green Roofs Congress in the capital on Wednesday. Mr Blakeway spoke of London's projected growth and its need to provide homes for a million more inhabitants by 2018. "What we've got to ensure is that as many as possible of these new buildings have green roofs," he said... The concept of pushing green roofs is in keeping with the emerging flavour of Mr Johnson's environmental policy, which favours promoting improvements to the capitals open spaces and tree planting over technical carbon-based fixes that the public can sometimes struggle to understand...



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