Heavy Duty Electric Truck * USA - Balqon Corporation Unveils its to the Public

Long Beach,CAL,USA -MarketWatch -Sept 14, 2008: -- Balqon Corporation, a California-based electric vehicle manufacturer, announced today that it will unveil its 60,000 lbs. capacity electric truck to the public for the first time at the CAPCOA conference and trade show in Long Beach, California being held at Long Beach Convention Center on September 14th through 16th... Earlier this year, the Company's new product Nautilus E30 was recognized by the industry as the most powerful electric tractor in the world. This announcement is at the heels of the Company moving its production facilities to Harbor City, California, expanding its production capacity to over 1000 units a year. In 2008, the Company received production orders for its Nautilus product line from the Port of Los Angeles and AQMD... (Image: Balqon Corporation: MuleM150, 15000 lbs)
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