A lady long-haul trucker is a rare bird
Concord,MASS,USA -News & Observer (Raleigh,NC,USA), by Bonnie Rochman -15 Sept 2008: -- ... The open road doesn't seem to be a place cut out for a gal, what with its grungy truck stops and stereotypically raunchy radio traffic... But Patricia James took to the interstates like an 18-wheeler to diesel. She relished the long, solitary drives across swaths of America. She was like a tourist on a trip, snapping pictures with her digital camera as she traversed the nation's highways and byways... When Patricia Lynn James died in June, her "Highway Angel" radio handle went silent. James was 41 when she succumbed to cancer that was first detected in her pancreas...(Photo: Patricia James sits in the cab of her truck in 2007 before a trip to Texas. Life on the road was to her liking)Labels: truckers' stories
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