Study * USA - Following Too Close Indicted in Rear-End Crashes
Rear-end crashes one of most common for most types of fleets
USA -Automotive Digest-29 Aug 2008: -- Following too close is major problem.Make up 17% of all claims, cost over $13K per claim, according to Risk Management News. FMCSA: truck-striking, truck-struck collisions make up 18% of large truck accidents... DriveCam Inc analysis revealed much higher risk of rear-end collisions if vehicles maintain less than 2-seconds following distance.Most driver training programs recommend 3 or 4 seconds following distance. Change in speed, interruption to flow of traffic factors in rear-end crashes...On city streets, more rear-end crashes occur in farthest right lane due to traffic flow changes, left lane next most frequent, center lane least...(Picture: Under harm - New EU laws mean trucks’ underrun bars are stronger – but ADAC test proved that protection is still insufficient)
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