User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: STRIKE * USA - Indiana toll collectors talk about

Jul 1, 2008

STRIKE * USA - Indiana toll collectors talk about

IND,USA -WSBT-TV/Land Line Magazine -June 30, 2008: -- About 150 Teamsters Union members who collect tolls on the Indiana Toll Road could go on strike if their contract talks break down... The toll collectors have been working without a contract for six months. Talks with the private company that now operates the highway have stalled over the issue of temporary employees, which the company is hiring and the union opposes... For some truck drivers who are also union members, driving on the Toll Road during a strike would amount to crossing the picket line. Detours around it would likely mean more diesel fuel burned, more time on the road, and thus increased costs to trucking companies...



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