User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: SAVING FUEL * USA - Cargo Hauling Scooters To Offset Gas Prices?

Jul 4, 2008

SAVING FUEL * USA - Cargo Hauling Scooters To Offset Gas Prices?

Is there any way to get the population on to a scooter, and drastically cut fuel consumption?

USA -EcoTech Daily, by Ben Ray -July 3, 2008: -- A new scooter concept is designed around the task of hauling cargo in the most literal way possible–it’s a moped with a hole in it... It’s been known since the device came into being that mopeds, scooters, and motorcycles are far more space- and fuel-efficient than cars and trucks...They’re also dirt cheap compared to the four-wheeled behemoths we use to get aroud, most of which are a passable year’s salary. So why are they clogging the streets of Asia but not here?



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