User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: DRIVERS' FATIGUE * USA - Fatigue major problem in trucking industry

Jul 30, 2008

DRIVERS' FATIGUE * USA - Fatigue major problem in trucking industry

Roanoke,VA,USA -WSLS -July 28, 2008: -- Daphne and Steve Izer lost their 17-year old son, Jeff, when a trucker fell asleep at the wheel and swerved into his car. Jeff and 3 of his friends lost their lives that day back in 1993. And since then—the Izer’s say the federal government has not done enough to take on the problem. The Izer’s tell that fatigue has been named the number one problem in the trucking industry. The Izer’s formed “Parents Against Tired Truckers” soon after their son was killed. It has become a national organization based out of Northern Virginia. It aims to bring the fatigue issue to the forefront. The Izer’s say the problem is fueled by the bottom line—trucking companies and their truckers don’t make money unless the wheels are turning. That means they will often sacrifice sleep to move the load they’re carrying... (See Video)



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