OPINION * Canada - The Island's trucking industry needs relief
Trucking is the backbone of cheap prices
Nanaimo,BC,Canada -The Nanaimo Daily News - June 16, 2008: -- It may not be a trend yet, but truck drivers and trucking companies based on Vancouver Island are right in the centre of the spiral of rising costs in everything... Truckers on the Island are telling us that it can't go much further in this part of the world because of the rising ferry prices... The province needs to look very carefully at this problem and step in with rebates or tax incentives that will keep the trucking industry between the Island and the Mainland not just alive but vigourous... The big question is how far and for how long fuel prices will continue to climb. The concerns of small Island truckers are very real, and the problems only mount from there. Some may go out of business and if that happens enough, it will hit cities like Nanaimo hard... Trucks will continue to roll, but the costs are just going to increase even more as larger firms, most based on the Mainland, have to find a way to recover their costs to keep stocking grocery stores, big box stores and the hundreds of other businesses in this city alone... It is not just for the province to act in the interests of Island truckers. It is well within the power of the federal government to create programs that will offset the very unique problems faced by the Island truck industry... The Teamsters and the governments may also want to look at addressing how to keep experienced drivers. Many of them are being priced out of the business and, like any other business, experience counts... As much as the big box stores, we are all dependent on the trucking industry... (Video from YouTube, by RobinsVoyage - November 12, 2007: "The BC Ferry with my truck: Vancouver to the Mainland" - Back in August, I was asked to transport some light poles from Nebraska to Vancouver Island. This video was taken on the way back from Vancouver Island to the mainland. The music is by Rodriguez and ELO)
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