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Jun 16, 2008

NAFTA * Canada - Fights to keep it

Detroit's Big Three support lobbying effort to maintain free trade between two countries

Washington,DC,USA -The Detroit News, by David Shepardson -June 16, 2008: -- The Canadian government -- backed by American businesses including Detroit's Big Three automakers -- has launched a lobbying blitz on Capitol Hill to defend free trade between the two North American economic superpowers... As part of a spirited lobbying effort, the Canadian government brought in its 13 consul generals -- its regional diplomats -- to Washington last Wednesday to defend the pact before Congress. The officials had meetings with more than 60 members of Congress and their aides, said Michael Wilson, the Canadian ambassador to the United States... Armed with statistics and examples of jobs the agreement has created in congressional districts, the officials sought to put a "human face on trade with Canada."... Wilson noted that Canada buys $248 billion in goods from the United States -- versus just $65 billion from China. About 7 million --or 1 in 25 -- American jobs depend on trade between the two nations. Canada is the leading export market for 39 of the 50 U.S. states... U.S. automakers are backing the effort to underscore the importance of free trade in North America to their supply chains... Rep. Joe Knollenberg, R-Bloomfield Township, whose district is home to many of the largest auto parts suppliers, said trade with Canada is essential. "Trade with Canada is important for our auto industry in Michigan and for our economy nationwide," he said... Greg Martin, a spokesman for General Motors Corp., said NAFTA had clearly "been a benefit" to the economy of both the United States and Canada...



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