Off Local Roads * USA - Governor announces proposal to curb truck traffic
Ithaca,NY,USA -The Ithaca Journal, by Tim Ashmore -June 10, 2008: -- A preliminary proposal to get large trucks off local roads statewide and onto interstate highways was announced today by the governor’s office... The impetus to get trucks off local roads was garbage trucks from New York City, Pennsylvania and Connecticut traveling to the Seneca Meadows landfill in Waterloo. Because legislation geared specifically toward garbage trucks could cause legal problems, the proposal will pertain to all large haulers in the state... The proposal will create a hierarchy of roads and would require trucks of 45 feet or longer to “use interstate highways when possible, designated state highways if interstate access is not reasonably available and other state highways only when reasonably necessary.”... One of the solutions examined by Finger Lakes groups concerned about the trucks was to look at the trucking agencies’ contracts with the state. Those contracts contained language that commanded the trucks to stay in the interstates “to the maximum extent possible.”...
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