User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CLEAN AND SAFE PORTS * USA - A Statement on the ATA’s intention to file lawsuits against the LB & LA Ports

Jun 10, 2008

CLEAN AND SAFE PORTS * USA - A Statement on the ATA’s intention to file lawsuits against the LB & LA Ports

Warren,RI,USA -Maritime Global Net, by Barb Maynard -9 June 2008: -- In today’s Long Beach Press-Telegram, the American Trucking Association confirmed that it is preparing to file lawsuits against the Port of Long Beach’s Clean Trucks Program as well as against the sustainable, comprehensive plan passed by the Port of Los Angeles. In response, the Coalition for Clean & Safe Ports released the following statement from a representative of one of CCSP’s over 30 member organizations, Gisele Fong of Communities for Clean Ports, who is also a Long Beach mother:

"If a port demands this industry starts paying for its own pollution, then the industry sues – because they’re only concerned with making a killing off of goods movement, not cleaning up the deadly toxic air they create... This proves that the so-called "labor" issue has always been a red herring to obscure the trucking industry’s real position – they’ll fight tooth and nail to protect their decades-long practice of padding profits by forcing Californians to sacrifice their health and spend their tax-dollars to pay for the industry’s toxic mess... The American Trucking Association's obstructionism demonstrates we cannot settle for anything less than the cleanest-available trucks driven by a stable, employee workforce. The legal contests by the ATA amounts to nothing more than a political filibuster, which could result in unnecessary delays in implementing critical clean air programs. It is unacceptable to place profit and politics above people’s health.



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