User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BIODIESEL * Canada - ASTM approves new blend spec's

Jun 27, 2008

BIODIESEL * Canada - ASTM approves new blend spec's

Vancouver,BC,Canada -Truck News, by Adam Ledlow -25 June 2008: -- The biodiesel industry is celebrating following the recent vote by the ASTM International D02 Main Committee to approve a trio of long-awaited specifications for biodiesel blends. After more than five years of extensive research and subsequent balloting by the ASTM fuel experts in the blended fuel balloting process, ASTM has finally voted to approve three key sets of biodiesel specifications that industry insiders say should significantly bolster manufacturer support and consumer demand for biodiesel: ... The approval of ASTM specifications for inclusion of up to 5% biodiesel (B5) in the regular diesel fuel pool also means that biodiesel could soon become more readily available at retail fuelling stations nationwide...



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