Two of the largest U.S.ports are among 11 winners of this year'sU.S. EPA Clean Air Excellence Awardshonoring innovative efforts that make progress in achieving cleaner air
Washington,DC,USA -Enviroment News Service-May 29, 2008: --... The awards were established in 2000, at the recommendation of the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee, a senior-level policy group that advises tne EPAon implementing the Clean Air Act.There are four categories of awards: clean air technology, community action, education/outreach, and regulatory policy innovations, with one special award for individual achievement...This year's Southern California winner is for regulatory policy innovations at the Port of Long Beach and the Port of Los Angeles, which share San Pedro Bay... The ports developedthe five year San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan outlining strategies to reduce air emissions and associated health risks from heavy-duty vehicles, oceangoing vessels, cargo-handling equipment, harbor craft, and railroad locomotives involved in port operations.The plan will serve as a model for other ports to follow in the future...(Photo courtesy Environmental Health Perspectives: Container ships at the Port of Los Angeles )
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