User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: AWARD * USA - Ventura Transfer Company Wins First Place in California Trucking Association Fleet Saftey Awards For Intermodal Safety

May 24, 2008

AWARD * USA - Ventura Transfer Company Wins First Place in California Trucking Association Fleet Saftey Awards For Intermodal Safety

Los Angeles,CAL,USA -PRNewswire -May 22, 2008: -- Ventura Transfer Company (VTC), a pioneer in the bulk transloading and distribution of products shipped throughout the United States, was awarded First Place for Intermodal Safety by the California Trucking Association (CTA)... Judging is done by an independent panel that looks at how the company organizes its safety programs, conducts training, driver supervision, preventive maintenance, and their record of accident reduction. A field audit is then performed by CTA safety staff to insure the accuracy of all winning entries...



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