User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: A world without trucks ? * USA - Pneumatic cargo transport

Mar 5, 2008

A world without trucks ? * USA - Pneumatic cargo transport

If water, sewage, gas and oil can be transported through underground pipelines, why not consumer goods as well?

Rutgers,N.Brunswick,Canada -, by Zach -2 Mar 2008: -- Some Western European countries are getting serious about transporting consumer goods through automated subterranean networks – introducing a fifth transport mode next to road, rail, air and water... This rare combination of low-tech sense and high-tech knowledge could lead to a further economic growth without destroying the environment and the quality of life... Super fast underground cargo transport is a favorite subject of futurologists. Yet, the key to the feasibility of the proposed systems is their very low but constant speed...



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