TECHNONEWS * USA - Technology Enables World's Cleanest Class 8 Diesel Trucks to Hit the Road
New Exhaust System fromJohnson Matthey, Enables Older Trucks to Surpass Even New Rigs' Emissions inSacramento
Sacramento,CAL,USA -PRNewswire -March 25, 2008: --Conventional wisdom holds that newer is better -- or in the case of vehicles -- cleaner, but that adage is being challenged by new diesel exhaust technology that can make older big-rig trucks cleaner than even the most modern clean diesel trucks...Johnson Matthey'slatest diesel emissions technology, theSCRT system, has demonstrated in a trial, using a fleet of 16 older trucks owned by aNorthern Californiagrocery store chain, that it is possible to create a new adage: older can be cleaner...Results were released today of a demonstration using a number of older Class 8 grocery trucks retrofitted withJohnson Matthey's new SCRT four-way control system.Working with partnerCummins Emissions Solutions, theJohnson Mattheyemissions system was tested for more than 1,000 hours as the trucks traveled throughoutNorthern Californiahauling grocery products to Raley's family of grocery stores...
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