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Mar 5, 2008

Profit * USA - Rides on transportation

Upgrades could drive enterprise

Binghamton,NY,USA -The Press & Sun-Bulletin, by Debbie Swartz -3 Mar 2008: -- The deterioration of New York's roads, bridges and railroads are cause for concern for many businesses whose bottom lines are dictated by the timely transportation of their goods... A proposed $175 billion transportation infrastructure improvement plan offered by the state's Department of Transportation could go a long way in making the upgrades, which are necessary for the state's economic health, experts said... For Tioga Hardwoods Inc. President and co-owner Kevin Gillette, reliable transportation is vital to his business. "We couldn't survive without it," he said... For the trucking industry, keeping the state's roads and bridges updated and in good repair is a "high priority," said Kendra L. Adams, Deputy Director of the New York State Motor Truck Association. In 2004 -- the most recent year statistics are available -- 442.5 million tons of goods were hauled by tractor-trailers throughout the state, she said... With more than 37,134 trucking companies in New York -- most of which are small, locally owned businesses -- trucking is big business. To keep the 516,500 employees of the trucking industry employed, goods need to arrive on time, Adams said. Congestion on roads within the state have hampered timely deliveries and led to additional costs, she said...



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