User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Truckers Falsifying Logbooks * USA - CBS4 (Denver) Finds

Feb 19, 2008

Truckers Falsifying Logbooks * USA - CBS4 (Denver) Finds

A CBS4 investigation has found that truckers blatantly falsify their service logs and stay on the road longer than they're allowed

Denver,CO,USA -AP/CBS 4 DENVER -18 February 2008: -- ... Five-thousand people a year are killed in accidents involving trucks... Federal rules require the drivers to record their hours in logbooks, but cheating is so common they are often referred to as comic books... Early on Aug. 15, 2007, Denver trucker Peter Baumann's run came to a deadly end just short of his destination in Grand Junction. Baumann hit an Interstate 70 overpass, killing him and his girlfriend... Grand Junction police said his logbook to record his driving hours appeared to have been falsified. The trucking company he drove for insists they were not... CBS4 found such cheating by truckers is a common practice... The Colorado Motor Carriers Association said the vast majority of truckers do not falsify their logs. They say evidence of that are improved safety figures... Last year the Colorado State Patrol found more than 13,000 violations of truckers' hours and more than 1,000 instances of falsified logbooks...



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