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Feb 11, 2008

TRUCKERS' COMPLAIN * USA - Family Values Cut Short

Truckers are not destroying property or harming anybody. They just want to see their families

Sebring,FL,USA -The Tampa Tribune (Tampa,FL), by Patti Foster -February 10, 2008: -- What happened in Highlands County? Is is not important enough for family time to allow our hard working men and women truck drivers to come home and find a safe place to park the big rig for a short period? Is our truck driver husband or wives values not important, or have we forgotten this and just decided to be hard-nosed about it?... There are plenty of empty parking lots in the county. What's the big deal? Why can't truckers park there without incident? Truckers are not destroying property or harming anybody. They just want to see their families... Next time a ticket or warning is written, remember how that pen, pencil, pad or paper ended up in your hand. Without our loyal truck drivers we have nothing to drive, furnish our homes with, eat or wear... Bring back our family time by allowing our truck drivers to come home and actually visit without fear of any additional expenses...



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