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Feb 11, 2008

Truck Drivers Forum * USA - Looks Like We Lost

USA -Truckingboards -10 Jan 2008: Extracted from the forum:

* grovercxl -Tryin' to make it through: -- Our local BA has said that the numbers of returned ballots so far has been very low. With all the changes in this new contract, and the fact that ABF has agreed to abide by this agreement, it is more important than ever to get your vote in.... Don't be like some of us and wait till the last possible second and take a chance on your vote not being postmarked in time, get it in now!!! Your voice counts, and the only way anyone knows what you really want is if you vote!!!

* Lady Trucker -Peon: -- Local driver voted no , Road driver vote yes. To bad for us. Just can't wait to see the changes. What ya beg we don't like them!!

* Dirtball -DRAGON MASTER: -- From what I been reading I would think the yes votes were local and the No votes were road. I think the company thats gonna make the biggest changes is Yellow. Those guys are already going for a ride and the contract isn't even confirmed yet. I'm afraid a lot of guys are gonna lose their jobs in the near future unless these companys can make the utility driver something that works. Trouble is these big Corporations really could care less about the workers. All they care about is bottom line figures that look good to the shareholders. Good or bad time will tell.

* Double barrel -Veteran: -- The Unionized freight lost many years ago. First it was the goverment and deregulation. Second was good companies could not or would not compete and closed their doors. Now it's a poor economy,bad goverment,and low cost labor. So on the bright side I have a job that I think will last.



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