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Dec 17, 2007

Truckers' Strike * Italy: Struggles Under

Gasoline became nearly impossible to find and supermarket shelves grew barer on Wednesday, the third day of a nationwide strike of heavy trucks in Italy that threatens deep paralysis by its planned end on Friday

Rome,Italy -The New York Times (NY,USA), by IAN FISHER and ELISABETTA POVOLEDO -December 13, 2007: -- ... The strike, called amid pre-Christmas bustle, marked yet another crisis for the weak government of Prime Minister Romano Prodi. With highways blocked, produce rotting and thousands of workers in companies like Fiat laid off, his aides met through the day — without immediate success — to end a strike called just two weeks after another crippling one of taxi drivers in Rome... Union officials said they would decide overnight whether to accept a 12-point plan offered by the government to continue with the strike, called for more help against high gas prices and competition from foreign truckers... (Video from YouTube, by fedegufedegu -December 11, 2007: Incredible truck drivers strike in Italy - Truck drivers block traffic and highways in italy. Hear the sound of their trucks)



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