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Sep 23, 2007

Truck Security * USA - Preventing a Truck Hijacking

Simple set of guidelines can greatly increase the safety of both you and your truck

USA -Ebony Amateur -23 Sept 2007: --
1. Be aware of your surroundings after picking up a cargo load. Most hijackings occur within a few miles of the loading location.
2. Be wary of people trying to stop your truck for accidents. If no accident is immediately visible, contact local law enforcement.
3. If you believe an attempt is being made to hijack your truck, do not stop the truck.
4. If you believe that you are being followed, contact local law enforcement.
5. Makes sure that windows and doors remain locked.
6. Do not allow the truck to be boxed in. Always maintain a wide space in front of and behind the truck.
7. When stopped in traffic, be aware of anyone approaching the truck.
8. Always carry information that identifies your truck, equipment, and cargo.
9. If a hijacking takes place, memorize as many details as you can and write them down at the first available chance for law enforcement.



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