DEBATES * USA - Trucking Industry, Truck Parking and Hours of Service Debates

USA -blogging-jeyy84782.blogspot, by L. Winslow (*) -26 Aug 2007: -- Many folks are concerned that truck drivers spend too many hours straight driving across the country and that in doing so jeopardize the public safety on our Nation's highways. Indeed there have been some accidents however much of the concern is completely overblown... The United States Navy has done lots of tests on sleep deprivation, concentration levels and mistakes from fatigue and the studies show that there are issues and they are real. Still we note at the T-5 Group (The Trucking Think Tank Team) that much of this Hours of Service debate is mass media incited hysteria wagging the dog... One medical doctor, Dr. Nathalie Fiset understands the reality of the problem and there for asks the tough question from a reality perspective and purely medical. A major question is security: truckers drive for long hours and fall asleep or have preventable accidents... How can this be avoided in the future trucking? -Re: Falling Asleep at the wheel - There are devices available, which sense the driver's head nodding off that are now coming onto the market. And the T-5 Group believes if these units can be incorporated into the truck itself or the seat belt system and at a relatively inexpensive price point then the chances of their widespread use will be good... Other new rulings and regulations seem to address these real problems from a different tactic and that is that the regulators want to do away with paper log books and go all digital, using transponders and electronic updated computer systems to track the trucks. Therefore preventing Long-Haul Truckers using dual log book strategies to by-pass the rules... (* L. Winslow is a Transportation and Economic Advisor to the Online Think Tank, a Futurist and retired entrepreneur) (Photo Galley by Static Bob - "Roll on one")
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