Unhealthy Truckers * USA - Try to Shape Up
Green Bay,Wis,USA -cbs8 (Sand Diego,CAL) -9 July 2007: -- And that's only counting the accidents... They are also more at risk than average Americans for a number of health problems. Obesity is rampant. Many don't bother to wear seatbelts because their stomachs get in the way. About one in four have sleep apnea. Half of them smoke... The latest research in an upcoming report drives home those points and may help influence government regulations for truck drivers' health, which are under review. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is considering tightening its rules for conditions including diabetes and high blood pressure. And many companies are stepping up their own efforts at improving health... (Photo by AP: Sammy Belvin, a truck driver from Bristow, Okla., shows Bret Bringham, wellness coordinator of Melton Truck Lines, Inc., some of the exercises he does with free weights in his truck, at the fitness center at company headquarters in Tulsa, Okla.)
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