User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: SAFETY * USA - Walking While Drunk Can Prove to be Fatal

Jun 22, 2007

SAFETY * USA - Walking While Drunk Can Prove to be Fatal

Drunken drivers do not appear to be principal cause of pedestrians deaths

Chicago,Ill,USA -The Chicago Tribune/AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety -June 10, 2007: -- 32% of the 4,881 pedestrians killed in 2005 were legally drunk, meaning they had blood-alcohol concentrations of .08 or higher; slightly higher than the 31% of drivers killed in 2005 who were legally drunk... Only 11% of drivers involved in pedestrian fatalities had BACs of .08 or higher, down from 15% in 2001... Injuries leading cause of death among Americans younger than 44... Ralph Hingson, director, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, "Generally, when there is a pedestrian death, there has been an error on the part of both the pedestrian and the driver"... Intoxication among pedestrians killed consistent w/ other alcohol-related patterns... 45% of pedestrian deaths occur between 8 pm - 4 am... Pedestrians should exercise more caution at night; visibility reduced... "Everybody should arrange for a safe way home. The key is to be smart and do that before you start drinking", said Misty Moyes, spokeswoman, Mothers Against Drunk Driving...



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