INFRASTRUCTURE * Swiss - Open world‘s longest land tunnel
The Loetschberg Base Tunnel,Switzerland -Associated Press, by BRADLEY S. KLAPPER -15 June, 2007: -- With a ceremony that went off like a classic Swiss timepiece, the first train through the tunnel was a freight carrying Swiss Transport Minister Moritz Leuenberger, arriving in the town of Frutigen at the tunnel‘s north entrance... The Loetschberg was dug parallel to an even more ambitious project — the 36-mile Gotthard Tunnel, which will be the world‘s longest when it is completed in 2017... By running at low elevation, the tunnel will be able to accommodate trains and cargo loads that cannot negotiate the long climb and switchbacks to existing tunnels higher up the mountain... Passenger trains will start traveling through the tunnel on Dec. 9. From then on, 72 freight trains and 43 passenger trains will pass through the tunnel every day...
(Photo: Mining-Technology - Lötschberg base tunnel, Switzerland - at the Mitholz lateral adit, transport of excavated and ground material is by three Koch pipe conveyors)
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