User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: BIODIESEL * UK - More on the BioDiesel Lie

Jun 11, 2007

BIODIESEL * UK - More on the BioDiesel Lie

BioDiesel is a scam.

UK -RoadTransport -8 June 2007: -- In fact, we'd go further. Promoting a fuel source that costs more energy than it provides is, in the current energy environment, abhorrently negligent. Promoting that same fuel source as environmentally positive moves this negligence firmly into the criminal category... BioDiesel costs more in terms of energy than does regular diesel. It is touted as being a better fuel because it does not emit as much Carbon Dioxide. But, it comes from the same plants that people eat. That pushes up food costs, and so the moral implications - namely do we in the West take food out of the mouths of people who are hungry in order to satiate our need for conscience-free travel - are immediately plain to see...



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