User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: "GREEN" NEWS * AUTOMAKERS WORLDWIDE - Jumping on the green vehicle bandwagon

May 21, 2007

"GREEN" NEWS * AUTOMAKERS WORLDWIDE - Jumping on the green vehicle bandwagon

* USA - In a plug-in hybrid charging from the grid overnight could give a 60 mile (100 km) range in all electric mode...

Baltimore,MD,USA -Green Energy News -May 19, 2007: -- Lithium is the premier rechargeable battery technology of the day. However did you know that most lithium battery packs are just boxes containers of flashlight battery-sized cells? Lithium Technology Corporation (LTC) thinks that specially-designed, large format lithium batteries are a better bet than a bunch of little cells for hybrids and all-electric vehicles... In a new product line the company is offering its lithium iron phosphate technology (LiFePO4) in cells ranging from 6 Amp/hours to 35... LTC’ says the new cells can provide 3000 charging cycles which equates to 150,000 miles of service life... To prove the new cells’ capabilities, the company will soon unwrap a Toyota Prius retrofitted with its new batteries. The company says the converted Prius is proof that a plug-in hybrid can get the equivalent of 125 miles per gallon...

* Brazil - Green from assembly line to highway is what new brazilian car maker Obvio! is trying to accomplish
Brazil -Green Energy News (Baltimore,MD,USA) -May 19, 2007: -- A new car or two being readied for world introduction in a year or so. Obvio! plans to power its production line with renewables, will recycle waste and conserve water. Its cars, the 828 and the 012, will be able to run on electricity, or any proportion of ethanol, compressed natural gas or gasoline. As if green production of a green car weren’t enough, the company will be including carbon offsets with each car purchase. The offsets will be in the form of a social carbon fund that will contribute to environmentally sustainable projects designed to offset carbon emissions associated with Obvio! The projects may be in communities near the factory, along distribution and supply routes, or elsewhere... The company plans to begin shipping up to 50,000 of the aluminum and composite cars to the US market in 2008 as well as possibly export 100,000 cars to Japan and Europe... CantorCO2e has been handling the carbon offsets program and other financial work for Obvio!, Lotus has been doing engineering work... (Picture: Obvio's model 012E)



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