RULES * USA - Red-Light Cameras
* Nevada bills would OK red-light cameras, stricter seat-belt rule
Nev,USA -Land Line Magazine -March 14, 2007: -- A couple of bills moving through the Nevada Senate are intended to make the state’s roadways a little safer... The Senate Transportation and Homeland Security Committee voted Tuesday, March 13, to approve a bill that would allow red-light cameras to be posted throughout the state and another bill that would permit police to pull over drivers for failure to buckle up... Another bill offered by Nolan, that is headed to the Senate floor would allow for primary enforcement of the state’s seat belt law. Currently, law enforcement officers in the state can issue seat-belt citations to drivers only after stopping a vehicle for another traffic violation, such as speeding...
* Texas bills target red light cameras
TX,USA -Land Line Magazine -March 12, 2007: -- A handful of bills in the Texas Legislature would either rein in or eliminate cities’ use of automated cameras... The cameras, which snap pictures of red-light runners or speeders’ vehicle tags, have been authorized in various cities throughout the state since 2003. Tickets are mailed to vehicle owners, regardless who was driving at the time... A bill offered by Senate Transportation and Homeland Security Chairman John Carona, R-Dallas, is intended to make the use of red-light cameras less lucrative for local coffers. The bill – SB125 – would cap fines for running red lights and require cities to share fines generated by the cameras with the state...
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