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Mar 10, 2007

Overtime * USA - Truckers win case in Washington

Wash,USA -Land Line Magazine (Grain Valley,MO)/ The Associated Press -March 7, 2007: -- The Supreme Court in Washington state has handed a victory to truckers who’ve been missing out on overtime pay... The court has ruled that overtime must be paid to Washington employees based on hours worked – even if some of those hours were logged out of state... The ruling holds that truckers – like other employees – must be paid time-and-a-half for any work done over 40 hours a week, or be paid the equivalent if the trucker is paid by the mile...

* Appeal expected in overtime case
USA -eTrucker, by Jill Dunn -5 Mar 2007: -- California carrier is likely to appeal a Washington Supreme Court ruling that Washington workers are entitled to the state’s mandatory overtime pay – even interstate truckers who spend many of their working hours out of state... Dale “Hal” Schofield, who represented Food Express of Arcadia, Calif., in the case, said he expects an appeal. “Since 1989, the law has been clear for when overtime was paid for Washington interstate carriers,” Schofield said... Philip Talmadge, the former state Supreme Court justice who represented the Washington Trucking Association said the decision would force interstate carriers to ask, “Which law do I apply?” ... Washington statute requires overtime pay for hours completed in-state; California requires overtime pay whenever eight hours are exceeded in one day; and Oregon requires no overtime pay at all for interstate drivers...



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