User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: * Canada - Tariff committee recommends freight rate increase

Mar 16, 2007

* Canada - Tariff committee recommends freight rate increase

Fort Erie,Ont,CAN -Truck News (CAN), by Steven Macleod -12 Mar 2007: -- The Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC) has recommended carriers raise their freight rates 4.9% effective April 2, 2007 and rates from or to Alberta be increased an additional 3%... If the trucking industry is to be successful in attracting capital and maintaining capacity, rates need to be increased, according to the committee... The driver shortage, labour cost increases and regulatory changes are just a few of the factors currently increasing costs for the trucking industry... TAC, a committee of the Freight Carriers Association (FCA), meets periodically to monitor economic conditions as well as the latest statistics on the profitability of general freight carriers...



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