User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Trucking Regulations * USA - Should Apply to All For National Security’s Sake

Feb 27, 2007

Trucking Regulations * USA - Should Apply to All For National Security’s Sake

Ridgewood,NJ,USA -Family Security Matters, by Joan Messner -25 Feb 2007: -- In 1986, the 99th Congress passed the Commercial Motor Vehicles Safety Act. It was an Act designed to help secure the safety of all of us... The first regulation in the CMV Safety Act dealt with driver’s licenses: it ruled that no one who operates a commercial motor vehicle shall have more than one driver’s license. It further states that the minimum information required will include the “social security number of such operator”... Further, the general rule written in this act is that the Secretary of State shall disqualify for life from operating a commercial vehicle:
- anyone who has committed more than one violation while driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance;
- anyone who has committed more than one violation of leaving the scene of an accident;
- anyone who has used a commercial vehicle in the commission of a felony.

... There are some who object...their excuse is “privacy”. That is a red herring and it stinks...



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