User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: A “flawed idea” * USA - ‘Ag fees’ on border blasted

Feb 27, 2007

A “flawed idea” * USA - ‘Ag fees’ on border blasted

Washington,DC,USA -Land Line Magazine (Grain Valley,MO) -Feb 23, 2007: -- A high-ranking American politician has joined a lot of Canadian truckers in blasting the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s plan to slap fees on inbound trucks at border crossings... In a statement, U.S. House Rules Committee chairwoman Louise Slaughter, D-New York, said the fees are a “flawed idea” and a “heavy-handed response to a narrow problem.”... On Thursday, Feb. 22, the government announced that it was delaying the implementation of the fees – which will supposedly help pay for beefed-up inspection of agricultural products – for 90 days...



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