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Feb 17, 2007


* USA - Plug And Play Car
NY,USA -Forbes, by Dan Lienert -9 Feb 2007: -- The issues of climate change and energy independence are prompting increasingly serious research into hydrogen cars... Earliest out of the gate? Ford Motor claims it has a milestone: the world's first drivable, hydrogen/electric, plug-in hybrid car, one that combines a hydrogen fuel cell generator with lithium-ion batteries to deliver more than 41 miles per gallon with zero emissions. The vehicle is a prototype version of Ford’s Edge SUV, equipped in this case with what Ford calls “HySeries” Drive...

* USA - Getting Green for Going Green
NY.USA, by Bonnie McGeer -7 Feb 2007: -- Bank of America is offering its employees an unusual benefit — $3,000 in cash for buying a new hybrid vehicle... A rebate on a new car is a common incentive from manufacturers. But hybrids are prompting a twist on that practice: An increasing number of environmentally minded companies outside the auto sector, including Google, are helping to incent sales. They are offering employees a bonus of sorts for getting a hybrid instead of a less fuel-efficient alternative...

* USA - Ports Seek LNG Trucks
Los Angeles,CA,USA -Los Angeles Business Journal (subscription), by ALLEN P. ROBERTS Jr. -16 Feb 2007: -- The ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach have issued a joint request to truck manufacturers and fleet management candidates to build and manage a new fleet of heavy duty trucks that would be powered by liquefied natural gas, instead of diesel... The effort is part of the San Pedro Bay Ports Clean Air Action Plan, approved late last year, that seeks to reduce by 90 percent the particulate matter and nitrogen oxides produced by diesel engines...



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