DEBATE * USA - Is the Wall Street Journal Playing Semantic Games in Its on Mexican Trucks Editorial?
USA -BizzyBlog, by TBlumer: This item from an editorial Tuesday looks too clever (bolds are mine) -Feb 27, 2007: -- According to the Transportation Department, 32% of Mexican trucks were pulled from the road for safety violations in 2001. Last year that number fell to 21%. Meanwhile, 21% of U.S. trucks failed safety inspections in 2001, versus 23% last year. Mexican drivers are less likely than their U.S. counterparts to be in violation of the law — 1.2% in 2006, versus 7% for U.S. truckers... Is there a difference between “pulled from the road” and “failed safety inspections” (i.e., you can fail a safety inspection but not be “pulled from the road” — at least not immediately)?... And are Mexican drivers much less likely to be “in violation of the law” because, as Mexicans and not US citizens, they don’t fall under the jurisdiction of US law?... If either of the above answers is “yes,” the Journal is playing semantic games to downplay the potential safety impact of the Bush Administration’s plans to allow Mexican trucks on all of the roads in America (vs. the current situation of forcing them to off-load within 25 miles of the border)...
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