User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Older motorists * USA - Michigan law allows drivers to be offered insurance price break

Jan 17, 2007

Older motorists * USA - Michigan law allows drivers to be offered insurance price break

Older motorists in Michigan soon could get a financial perk for sharpening their driving skills

Mich,USA -Land Line Magazine -Jan 15, 2007: -- Gov. Jennifer Granholm has signed a bill into law that allows automobile insurance companies to offer a premium discount to drivers who are 50 and older. The benefit would only apply to personal vehicles... The new law, provides for the discount if a driver successfully completes a certified traffic safety course. The safety discount would last for three years. To extend the discount, people would need to retake the course... “This bill provides two key benefits,” Rep. Michael Nofs, R-Battle Creek, said in a written statement. “First, it helps ensure that we have safe drivers on the road. Secondly, it allows those who take the initiative to keep their driving skills up-to-date, to receive a discount on their auto insurance”...


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