User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Drivers say... * USA - Trucks and cars share blame for recent accidents

Jan 16, 2007

Drivers say... * USA - Trucks and cars share blame for recent accidents

Waco,TX,USA -The Waco Tribune Herald, by Tim Woods -Jan 15, 2007: -- Several major accidents in the Waco area involving 18-wheelers in the past few months have raised important questions for local drivers, truckers, law enforcement and transportation officials... Are such major wrecks becoming more frequent? What are the causes of such accidents? Is Interstate 35 too congested? Who is to blame: truckers or drivers of passenger vehicles?... While these questions may not have easy answers, law enforcement officials say there are two simple things motorists can do to safeguard themselves: pay close attention to traffic and conditions and slow down as speed limits and conditions mandate... “I think the major cause of these wrecks we’ve been seeing is speed too fast for the conditions, whether that be traffic, weather conditions, road conditions,” said Texas Department of Public Safety spokesman Cpl. Charlie Morgan. “For everyone, if they’ll pay attention and look down the road, we’ll see a lot less of (the major highway accidents). At highway speeds, you’re going to need to look up to a quarter-mile down the road”... Morgan stressed the importance of such “aim-high steering,” noting that a vehicle traveling 65 mph in good weather and road conditions takes about 300 feet to come to a complete stop... Though such advice seems easily heeded, there remains disagreement about whether truckers or passenger vehicle drivers are to be blamed for the recent wrecks...


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