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Jan 22, 2007

New Rules * USA - Squeeze Profits

Federal guidelines require diesel engines to be cleaner burning

Rockford,IL,USA -The Rockford Register Star, by Thomas V. Bona -Jan 20, 2007: -- Local truckers say cleaning the air is cleaning out their wallets... Federal guidelines required this year’s crop of diesel engines to be cleaner burning. The new engines, along with low-sulfur fuel that became available nationwide last fall, are expected to release 5 percent to 10 percent of the particulate matter the old ones did... But both the engines and the fuel cost more, and trucking companies wonder whether they’re getting less bang for their buck... The new trucks typically cost about $5,000 to $7,000 more and the gas costs about 5 cents a gallon more, according to industry officials... (Photo by GARY L. CARLSON / ROCKFORD REGISTER STAR - Clarice Posley gets ready Thursday to check mileage at Dre-Vo Trucking. She keeps track of the fuel-mileage tax for the business, which is putting off buying new vehicles because of new federal guidelines for diesel engines)


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