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Jan 17, 2007

DEBATE * USA - Privatization or not ?

Group opposes private toll loop around Indianapolis

West Lafayette,IN,USA -Land Line Magazine -Jan 15, 2007: -- Opposition is mounting against a proposal by Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels for a private investor to design and build a 75-mile tolled loop around Indianapolis... About 300 people met last week in Martinsville, IN, according to one of the toll road opponents, Steve Bonney of West Lafayette, IN. More meetings are scheduled to take place later this week... Bonney was one of the plaintiffs last year who files a lawsuit that challenged the constitutionality of Daniels’ “Major Moves” transportation plan, which included the 75-year lease of the Indiana Toll Road to private investors... Bonney and others are on record on the Web site as being opposed to privatization of roads and the possible sale of the state lottery...


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