Fort Worth,TX,USA -Fort Worth Star Telegram, by GORDON DICKSON -Dec. 04, 2006: --Trucks may soon be barred from using the left lane on nearly the entire length of Interstates 20 and 30 in Tarrant, Dallas and surrounding counties...A recently completed study of the restrictions shows that traffic moves better with trucks staying to the right, and that traffic safety is not compromised, officials said. Planners recommend extending the ban to include more of those roads, and perhaps others..."The truck lane study has been an enormous success," said Michael Morris, transportation director for the North Central Texas Council of Governments...But critics say that the left-lane ban leads to more congestion in the right lanes, which increases the chances of an accident...(Photo: STAR-TELEGRAM, by M.L. GRAY - Traffic on westbound Interstate 30 at the intersection with Loop 820 in Fort Worth passes a sign warning truckers to keep right. Critics say barring trucks from the left lane adds to congestion in the other lanes)
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