Logistic experts' goal - USA - Make Indy the 'rail deal'
Indianapolis,IN,USA -The Indianapolis Star, by Ted Evanoff -Oct 24, 2006: -- Buy a winter coat made in China, and chances are good it was shipped on a freighter to Los Angeles, loaded on a train for Chicago, then trucked to Indianapolis... Now Indianapolis' logistic experts are trying to figure out how to get those coats and plenty of other railroad freight to come directly here instead of passing through Chicago... Hundreds and possibly thousands of new logistics jobs could emerge if they succeed... (Photo by Charlie Nye / The Star - Freight rest stop: Cargo containers cramp the CSX Avon railyard, an intermodal terminal. Experts say demand could prompt Indianapolis to get its own intermodal train from a West Coast port. Such an addition would nurture a new avenue of logistics growth for Indy)
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