User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: MDOT 'too cozy' - USA - Weight limit increase foes

Sep 15, 2006

MDOT 'too cozy' - USA - Weight limit increase foes

Augusta,ME,USA -The Brunswick Times Record, by Victoria Wallack -14 Sept 2006: -- Advocacy groups opposed to raising the truck weight limit on Maine's interstate highway system on Wednesday accused state transportation officials with being "too cozy" with the trucking industry and are doing its bidding... In a joint press conference, a coalition of five consumer groups charged that three transportation officials went on a "lobbying junket" to Washington, D.C., planned and paid for in part by state and national trucking associations... Transportation Commissioner David Cole responded by saying that characterization demeans an important economic and safety issue for Maine...

* NEW - Group says heavy trucks make highways unsafe
PORTLAND, Maine,USA -The Portsmouth Herald News (Portsmouth,NH)/AP -14 Sept 2006: -- A coalition of advocacy groups said Wednesday that raising truck weight limits on the interstate in northern Maine would make the highway more dangerous... Efforts to allow trucks up to 100,000 pounds on federal highways in Maine are a threat to public safety and road infrastructure, said Joan Claybrook, president of Public Citizen, a consumer advocacy group in Washington... U.S. Sen. Olympia Snowe said an accident in May where a fuel truck killed an elderly woman underscores the need to get large trucks off of secondary roads...


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