User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Change your behavior - USA - A refresher course on getting better mileage

Sep 14, 2006

Change your behavior - USA - A refresher course on getting better mileage

Louisville,KY,USA -WHAS (subscription)/AP, by ANN JOB -Sept 13, 2006: -- With gasoline prices refusing to come down, more drivers are looking for ways to get the most out of every gallon of fuel. But they may not like what experts recommend: Change your behavior... "There is a direct correlation between fuel economy and the driver's behavior and vehicle care," said Stephen Hunter, Ford Motor Co. hybrid vehicle engineer... From keeping a car well-maintained to driving at a more controlled pace, motorists can have a noticeable impact on the kind of mileage they get. According to Eric Kaufman, engineering manager for fuel economy and drive quality at General Motors Corp., motorists need to look at vehicles, as well as driving, the way experts do: in terms of energy consumption...


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