User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: "GreenNews" - Taiwan - Garbage trucks go green in

Sep 16, 2006

"GreenNews" - Taiwan - Garbage trucks go green in

Kaohsiung,Taiwan -The Taiwan Headlines -Sept 15, 2006: -- The Kaohsiung City Government announced on Thursday that an experimental biodiesel project was launched this week, converting most of the city's garbage trucks to biomass energy... Chang Feng-teng, director of the city's Environmental Protection Bureau, said the project would last a year, involving an estimated distance of 4.9 million kilometers. The city government has earmarked about NT$20 million (US$610,000) to cover extra expenses in converting to biodiesel... Chang said this time that switching 306 out of the total 390 city-owned trucks to biomass energy would make it the largest project of its kind so far in Taiwan...


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