Comments - USA - Brazil paves way for Ford
Division's surprising turnaround offers vital lessons for automaker to recover, prosper in U.S.
SAO BERNARDO DO CAMPO,SP, Brazil -Wall Street Journal, by Geraldo Samor -July 11, 2006: -- Ford Motor Co.'s Brazil unit here was straining to succeed in 1999 as much as Detroit and the U.S. auto industry are struggling today. After four consecutive years in the red, Ford had seen its market share in Brazil slip to just 6.5 percent, fourth place behind rivals like General Motors Corp... Executives at the company's Dearborn headquarters were seriously considering pulling out of South America... (To change) The steps the company took in Brazil were basic but vital. First, Ford Brazil overhauled manufacturing by closing inefficient plants -- a move that is now being mimicked by Detroit -- and took a huge risk by opening a low-cost factory that now ranks among Ford's most efficient. Second, Ford Brazil started making cars that were in synch with consumer tastes. That is something Ford needs to do in North America, industry consultants say...
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