User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Increasing freight - South Africa - 'Roads cracking up under weight of freight'

Jul 11, 2006

Increasing freight - South Africa - 'Roads cracking up under weight of freight'

Cape Town,South Africa -Independent Online, by Melanie Gosling -July 10 2006: -- Transport Minister Jeff Radebe has said South Africa's roads cannot take the 10 percent annual increase in freight trucks that throng our national highways, while the ability of the railways to deal with freight is diminishing... The rapid increase of freight trucks on the roads was not entirely because rail capacity was decreasing, but also because road transport gave freight movers "flexibility" and "the quick response needed" for South African companies to compete globally... The National Freight Logistics Strategy report, released last year and adopted by the government, says the entire freight transport system, from the harbours to rail operations, is hampered by a lack of infrastructure, an absence of integrated planning, big information gaps and a serious lack of skills...


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