Chicago,Ill,USA -The New York Times -July 12, 2006: -- Biodiesel produced from soybeans produces more usable energy and reduces greenhouse gases more than corn-based ethanol, making it more deserving of subsidies, according to a study being published this month in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences...The study, done by researchers at the University of Minnesotaand at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minn., points to the environmental benefits of the biodiesel over ethanol made from corn, stating that ethanol provides 25 percent more energy a gallon than is required for its production, while soybean biodiesel generates 93 percent more energy...The Minnesota researchers write that with a projected doubling of global demand for food within 50 years and an even greater expected increase in demand for transportation fuels, “there is a great need for renewable energy supplies that do not cause significant harm and do not compete with food supply”...(Photo: Andy Manis/Associated Press - A study says the rising interests in alternative fuels, like ethanol made from corn, above, could affect the food supply. The study recommends an emphasis on ethanol made from waste materials)
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